A CJF® program - Center for the Jewish Future®

Genetic Testing

Like people of every ethnic background, Jews are faced with specific genetic concerns. Most people with Jewish ancestry (even those with Sephardi, Mizrahi, and mixed backgrounds) are carriers for at least one genetic disease. Carriers of these types of diseases exhibit no symptoms of and usually do not have a family history of the disease. “Carrier couples” are at-risk to have an affected child, but they have options for building healthy families.

Genetic testing with genetic counseling is recommended before pregnancy. Couples who have been tested a while ago should also explore retesting as they are adding to their families, as testing panels are updated over time.

There are 2 approaches to genetic testing:

1. ‘Open’ testing–all tested individuals get comprehensive testing and receive a copy of their test results. This testing can be done through one’s doctor’s office or through a genetics program, such as JScreen. JScreen provides convenient, at-home, saliva-based genetic testing coupled with genetic counseling. To learn more about JScreen, click here.

2. ‘Closed’ testing, through Dor Yeshorim— blood is drawn for testing and each participant receives an identification number. Before a first date, daters are instructed to access the Dor Yeshorim automated hotline to check for genetic compatibility. Couples found to be incompatible are offered guidance and assistance. To find a participating testing site near you, call Dor Yeshorim at 718-384-6060 or click here.

Most important is to get screened. Best to do so before you start dating so that you can have your results accessible at any time.